Friday, 18 September 2015

1942 Chocolate Cake (eggless) - Jennie On The Kitchen Front

Afternoon all!

I seem to be running out of spare time every day now, so I'm all behind like a duck's tail.

We'll get on to the cake now, rather than me blabbering on - That said, I've been busy knitting, just a trim to knit to finish off a new jumper. I have a huge pile to sew up too, I'll get round to it one day.

To cake!


1942 Chocolate Cake

8 ozs self-raising flour
4 ozs sugar
4 ozs margarine
1 level teaspoonful bicarbonate of soda
1 heaped dessertspoonful cocoa powder
vanilla essence

Sift together flour, bicarbonate and cocoa.

Put sugar, margarine and 1 gill (1/4 pint) water in a saucepan, bring slowly to the boil, continue boiling for 1 minute.
Turn out into mixing basin, leave until lukewarm.

Gradually stir in flour mixture, add a little more lukewarm water, about 1/4 gill, to bring the consistency to that of sponge batter, add flavouring essence.

Bake in a greased 7-inch tin, about 1 hour.
Heat the oven at Gas 5, lower to Gas 4 when cake is put in, lower to Gas 3 about 20 minutes later.

Sprinkle with sugar for serving (optional); vary by running round with a teaspoon a narrow border of jam.

When I took mine from the oven it was cooked, the skewer came out clean three times, although when I was eating it I did think it could've done with an extra five minutes as it only just done. I think I have a problem with the oven though as everything is taking a little linger than expected. So just check it and maybe give it some more time.

But overall I like this cake, it tastes a little of cake batter, which probably has more to do with needing those extra few minutes. But it is a really nice moist sponge, and the lack of eggs isn't noticed.

I hope you enjoy making and eating this as much as I have. Hopefully I'll have another recipe for you next Friday, though if my oven packs in it may sandwich fillings!

Until we speak again


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